HTG Service engineers can carry out a full PSSR test on both traditional and bean-to-cup. A lot of other coffee machine service companies are unable to offer this service!
Since early 2000, it has been a regulatory requirement to have an annual PSSR boiler test carried out on any commercial coffee machine, both traditional and bean-to-cup, which have enclosed boiler systems (pressure vessels).
Failure to do so can lead to invalid insurance and warranty.
If you own a commercial coffee machine that uses pressurised steam, and is older than 14 months from date of new supply, you have a statutory obligation to meet the stringent legal requirement of the Pressure Systems Safety Regulations 2000.
“The Pressure Systems Safety Regulations 2000 require pressure systems to be inspected in accordance with a Written Scheme of Examination. The test is designed to prevent serious injury from the hazard of stored energy. The regulations apply to owners and users of systems containing ‘relevant fluids’, (which include steam, gases under pressure and any fluids kept artificially under pressure and which become gases when released into the atmosphere). The term ‘fluids’ includes gases and liquids which are capable of exerting a vapour pressure. Coffee Machine boiler operates at 100°C and over, it comes under the Pressure Systems Safety Regulations.“
View the PSSR Regulations – Click Here >>>
If you continue to use a traditional espresso machine or automatic bean-to-cup machine with a steam boiler without the required testing, you will be in contravention of the Pressure Systems Safety Regulations 2000. As a result, you will invalidate a comprehensive insurance claim made regarding any incident on that machine.
All commercial coffee equipment incorporating a pressure vessel which generates steam come under the PSSR requirement.
If your machine is due for its annual boiler certification get in contact with us by calling 01473 350000 or complete the contact form at the bottom of this page.
The PSSR Test a statutory examination that is designed to ensure that the pressure systems within your commercial coffee machine are “safe”.
If you loan, lease or rent coffee making equipment, and are responsible for the service and upkeep of that equipment, you may be liable for ensuring that the equipment fully complies with the PSSR regulations and have valid annual test certificates. Failure to do so could invalidate your customers insurance and may leave you liable.
HTG Service can work on your behalf… Our team of fully qualified engineers can visit your equipment and carry out the necessary tests, providing you with the necessary test certificates to make sure you comply.
Contact the HTG Service Aftersales team on 01473 350000 to discuss your requirements.